The parts of the body and body language

February 28, 2010

The different parts of the body constantly communicate people’s state of mind,

personality, and attitude. For example, the dominant person plants his feet squarely

on the ground, adopts a firm posture, and sometimes uses bullying tactics, all of

which expresses control over his affairs and responsibility for them. On the other

hand, the use of too many body movements without any real significance is

associated with immature personalities.

The following paragraphs summarize what can be expressed by different parts of the

body, such as the hands or the face, and associated aspects, such as clothing and


The hands

Hands have a very important role to play in communications. Their movement is

closely associated with the emotions. When a person wants to emphasize or stress

his words, he makes his hand movements bigger and more deliberate.

Bear in mind that:

In Latin countries, every statement is accompanied by ample movements of

the arms and hands, unlike Saxon countries where people make more limited


If we observe a young man waiting for his fiancée, we can perceive whether

he is anxious, grieved, fearful or confident by the way he moves, joins his

hands, or keeps them close to his body. We can even glimpse what he

expects from that encounter.

Hand movements are more frequent when a person is having difficulty expressing his

ideas verbally or when it is difficult for him to make himself understood. The greater

his need to make himself understood, the greater intensity he will give to the

expression of his hands and he will gesticulate more amply.

Interest or concern about an issue can be hinted at by touching the forearm of the

other person. Also, with a handshake in certain situations it is possible to reveal and

capture the most varied feelings of strength or weakness, attitudes of superiority or

inferiority, enthusiasm or coldness, interest or lack of interest, confidence or

insecurity, fear, or anxiety.

Remember that:

When expressing condolences, we often do this with a warm handshake and a

gentle hug; sorrow is transmitted in this way more naturally and effectively

than with words.

The greeting that follows visual contact is a demonstration of dominance. If we

shake hands firmly and enthusiastically, we are giving the message that we

possess sufficient strength and amiability to control the situation. On the other

hand, a weak handshake suggests the kind of person who prefers to keep his

distance and reserve his social space, someone who is enclosed within


The eyes

Of all the parts of the human body used to transmit information, the eyes are the most

capable of reflecting very fine nuances. The first contact we make with a person is

usually through the eyes; and one look is often enough to start or end a relationship,

to choose or reject a person.

The eye muscles are so wonderfully subtle that one look can differ minutely from

another; and tell us what is going on inside the person who is looking. Also,

communication with one’s eyes is more revealing when it is done unconsciously.

There are different formulae for exchanging looks, depending on where the meeting

occurs. Sometimes we use the technique of looking-and-looking-away-again when

we meet famous people. We want to reassure them that we respect their privacy.

The same is true when we meet handicapped people or invalids: we look at them

briefly and then look away to make sure they don’t think we are staring at them. In

fact, this is the technique we use in any unusual circumstance, when a stare would

produce discomfort.

A subtle measurement of time is used when talking, listening, looking, and looking

away. Most people look away immediately before or after having pronounced one of

each four sentences. Some do so at the beginning or half-way through the sentence.

When they finish speaking, half of the people look at the person they are talking to.

To look away during a conversation can be a means of hiding something. We must

remember, however, that the context determines the meaning of people’s looks.

Visual contact can also modify a relationship. We feel how important the look is when

a person refuses to look us in the eye and we cannot perceive whether we interest

that person or whether the message we want to transmit is of interest to him or her.

Bear in mind that:

If we catch someone looking at us, we feel uncomfortable as if there were

something wrong. We feel disturbed and annoyed.

Looking away is associated with the intention to hide the intensity of an

emotion or a feeling.

An absence of visual contact sometimes gives the impression of isolation.

Strong displeasure is communicated by deliberately avoiding the eyes of the

other person or by giving him/her a hard, intense look.

The face

The expression on a person’s face can make a significant difference to the meaning

of a message. If we want to send a warm or positive message, we back it up with a

friendly smile. If it is a serious message, we show a serious, solemn or cautious


With facial movements we can express a whole range of emotions, from the deepest

to the most superficial. If something is bothering us, our annoyance is reflected in a

hard or angry facial expression. Happiness is expressed with a change of gesture

and with a soft mobility of the facial muscles. An angry person’s facial muscles are

tense and rigid.

This aspect of body language is very important because our face reveals our

thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and our attitudes to people, ideas, or facts. Many

people interpret or judge us from our facial expressions.

The human face has a tremendous variety of expressions. If we consider the head

as well as the face, we find another whole set of movements. You can nod your

head, shake it, turn it away, and raise it sharply; all these movements are significant.

However they have different meanings when combined with different facial

expressions and in different cultural contexts. The knowledge that people raise their

eyebrows or lower their eyelids to express a specific emotion is the result of


The arms and legs

We should not read a meaning into the way a person crosses his/her arms and legs,

without first taking into account the physiological condition of the person’s body.

Nevertheless, there is a strong tendency to attribute a series of meanings to the

direction in which we cross our arms.

It has apparently been established that crossing one’s arms is sometimes a defensive

gesture, a sign that one does not accept the point of view of another person, or a lack

of security. These and other interpretations are valid, but when we come to the

direction of the crossing of arms – left over right, or vice-versa – we are on shakier

ground. The difficulty here is that the way we cross our arms is an innate genetic

trait, like being right-handed or left-handed.


Genetic and cultural roots

February 28, 2010

It is difficult to determine exactly how a communication system is inherited or learned.

Darwin believed that facial expressions of emotion were the same in all human

beings, regardless of their culture.

Today it is considered that within a specific culture there exists a general agreement

to recognize the different emotional states. The human brain is programmed to raise

the corners of the mouth when the individual feels happy and turn them down when

he is discontent. Depending on th...

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Body Language

February 28, 2010

Body language is an important – and often decisive – factor in risk communication.

This is especially true of communicators, who need to show congruency between the

oral information and their body language when transmitting a message, because only

if they manage to do so will the message be effective. Body language is an element

in communication that we should be very much aware of because it gives clues to the

character, emotions, and reactions of an individual.

Our state of mind...

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Kissing Tips for Guys

January 1, 2010

There comes a moment in our life when all of us have to deal with the first date, first kiss, first girlfriend. This is something unavoidable and someday will happen. But for guys, and not only, this can be very stressful and annoying because they don't know how to handle the situation. If you have your first date with a girl that you really like, and you make a bad impression for the beginning, your date will definitely be screwed up. So you have

to make a good impression from the beginning...

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The Secret to Attracting True Love Attracting Mr or Mrs Right

December 29, 2009
Whether it's attracting new love or old love, the process is actually quite similar. The
most important thing you need to remember is the relationship you attract always
comes down to the relationship you have with yourself!
If you have a healthy and loving relationship with yourself, where you have respect
for yourself, stand up for your beliefs and have strong morals, you will attract exactly
that sort of person to you.
It's not really some big mystery and you certainly don't need to spend $1000s...

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The 'Get Your Love Back' Plan

December 29, 2009
So now that you know all the things to avoid when you want your love back, it's
important that you take action right now to work on these changes.
Now here is a simple guideline to follow that will help you get your love back:
As I have mentioned, it’s important to have a well-structured plan if you want your
love back. This is by no means an in-depth step-by-step of the process but it will get
you well on your way.

 #1 - Resist making the mistakes listed above and agree with the break up.
Being a...

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So You Want Your Love Back… Let’s Get Started! 10 Mistakes... Are You Making These?

December 29, 2009
If you’re determined that your partner is the right one for you, then it’s best to get a
plan together to bring him or her back. The plan isn't difficult nor is it about dirty
mind tricks. Why I suggest you have a plan is because right now you are likely too
scattered to think rationally about your situation.
Feeling emotional, desperate, fearful, lonely, heart-broken and stressed are all
emotions that are playing AGAINST you when you want to get your ex back.
But first, let me ask you some que...

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December 29, 2009
Love them or loathe them, we are all involved in relationships. So have
you ever considered why we enter into relationships with others? Relating
to another being means we have the opportunity to explore and discover
who we truly are. We need to relate to others in order to affirm our
In an ideal world, we would enter into healthy, trusting relationships
feeling complete within ourselves and our relationships would be a
vehicle for developing our sense of self. In reality, our previous

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Finding Love Online: Online Dating Expert Helps Singles Navigate the ’Net – the Singles Scene for the New Millennium

December 29, 2009
Forget the bar scene, fix-ups and chance encounters. Single people of all ages and in all walks of
life are turning to the Internet to find a soul mate or simply a date for Saturday night.
Internet dating sites, once stigmatized as the domain of the desperate, have become the
preferred venues where single people worldwide meet and develop relationships. But simply
being tech-savvy doesn’t translate into success with online dating, according to author Yvonne
Rice, an expert on Internet dating sit...

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Top Ways to Find Your Soul Mate

December 24, 2009

1. Ask your friends to set you up with any of their single friends or acquaintances that meet your specifications.

Your friends are a great resource. They know you very well, and will have a good idea of the type of person that would harmonize with you. They can also help you navigate through the awkward moments that frequently accompany the early stages of dating. Married friends and platonic friends of the opposite gender will probably provide you with your best blind dates. Your single fr...

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